Package | ihe.qrph.bfdr |
Type | StructureDefinition |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 1.1.0 |
Status | active |
Date | 2024-07-09T14:11:31+00:00 |
Name | CompositionJurisdictionLiveBirthReport |
Title | Composition - Jurisdiction Live Birth Report |
Experimental | False |
Realm | uv |
Authority | ihe |
Description | This Composition profile contains information of a live birth and the issuance of a Birth Certificate to be recorded and communicated to the national statistics agency. |
Type | Composition |
Kind | resource |
StructureDefinition | |
Bundle-document-bfdr | Bundle - Document Birth and Fetal Death |
StructureDefinition | | | Patient - Child Vital Records | | Patient - Mother Vital Records | | RelatedPerson - Father Natural Vital Records | | US Core Organization Profile |
Condition-chorioamnionitis | Condition - Chorioamnionitis |
Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn | Condition - Congenital Anomaly of Newborn |
Condition-infection-present-during-pregnancy | Condition - Infection Present During Pregnancy |
Condition-perineal-laceration | Condition - Perineal Laceration |
Condition-ruptured-uterus | Condition - Ruptured Uterus |
Condition-seizure | Condition - Seizure |
Coverage-principal-payer-for-delivery | Coverage - Principal Payer for Delivery |
Encounter-birth | Encounter - Birth |
Extension-date-filed-by-registrar | Extension - Date Filed by Registrar |
Extension-encounter-maternity-reference | Extension - Encounter Maternity Reference |
Extension-live-birth-certificate-number | Extension - Live Birth Certificate Number |
Extension-live-birth-local-file-number | Extension - Live Birth Local File Number |
Extension-replacement-status | Extension - Replacement Status |
Observation-antibiotics-during-labor | Observation - Antibiotics Administered During Labor |
Observation-cigarette-smoking-before-during-pregnancy | Observation - Cigarette Smoking Before and During Pregnancy |
Observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit | Observation - Date of First Prenatal Care Visit |
Observation-date-of-last-live-birth | Observation - Date of Last Live Birth |
Observation-date-of-last-other-pregnancy-outcome | Observation - Date of Last Other Pregnancy Outcome |
Observation-edit-flag-birthweight | Observation - Edit Flag Birthweight |
Observation-edit-flag-estimate-of-gestation | Observation - Edit Flag Estimate of Gestation |
Observation-edit-flag-fathers-date-of-birth | Observation - Edit Flag Father's Date of Birth |
Observation-edit-flag-fathers-education | Observation - Edit Flag Father's Education |
Observation-edit-flag-mothers-date-of-birth | Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Date of Birth |
Observation-edit-flag-mothers-delivery-weight | Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Delivery Weight |
Observation-edit-flag-mothers-education | Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Education |
Observation-edit-flag-mothers-height | Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Height |
Observation-edit-flag-mothers-prepregnancy-weight | Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Prepregnancy Weight |
Observation-edit-flag-number-prenatal-care-visits | Observation - Edit Flag Number Prenatal Care Visits |
Observation-edit-flag-number-previous-cesareans | Observation - Edit Flag Number of Previous Cesareans |
Observation-edit-flag-plurality | Observation - Edit Flag Plurality |
Observation-fetal-presentation | Observation - Fetal Presentation at Birth/Delivery |
Observation-icu-admission | Observation - ICU Admission |
Observation-infant-breastfed-at-discharge | Observation - Infant Breastfed at Discharge |
Observation-mother-married-during-pregnancy | Observation - Mother Married During Pregnancy |
Observation-mother-received-wic-food | Observation - Mother Recieved WIC Food |
Observation-nicu-admission | Observation - NICU Admission |
Observation-none-of-specified-abnormal-conditions-of-newborn | Observation - None Of Specified Abnormal Conditions of Newborn |
Observation-none-of-specified-characteristics-labor-delivery | Observation - None Of Specified Characteristics of Labor and Delivery |
Observation-none-of-specified-maternal-morbidities | Observation - None Of Specified Maternal Morbidities |
Observation-paternity-acknowledgement-signed | Observation - Paternity Acknowledgement Signed |
Observation-planned-to-deliver-at-home | Observation - Planned to Deliver at Home |
Observation-ssn-requested-for-child | Observation - Social Security Number Requested For Child |
Observation-steroids-fetal-lung-maturation | Observation - Administration of Steroids for Fetal Lung Maturation |
Procedure-antibiotic-suspected-neonatal-sepsis | Procedure - Antibiotic for Suspected Neonatal Sepsis |
Procedure-assisted-ventilation-following-delivery | Procedure - Assisted Ventilation Following Delivery |
Procedure-assisted-ventilation-more-than-six-hours | Procedure - Assisted Ventilation More Than Six Hours |
Procedure-augmentation-of-labor | Procedure - Augmentation of Labor |
Procedure-blood-transfusion | Procedure - Blood Transfusion |
Procedure-epidural-or-spinal-anesthesia | Procedure - Epidural or Spinal Anesthesia |
Procedure-final-route-method-delivery | Procedure - Final Route and Method of Delivery |
Procedure-induction-of-labor | Procedure - Induction of Labor |
Procedure-obstetric | Procedure - Obstetric |
Procedure-surfactant-replacement-therapy | Procedure - Surfactant Replacement Therapy |
Procedure-unplanned-hysterectomy | Procedure - Unplanned Hysterectomy |
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
Generated Narrative: StructureDefinition Composition-jurisdiction-live-birth-report
version: versionId: id (PrimitiveType/StructureDefinition.meta.versionId): native = id -> 127; Last updated: 2023-08-10 19:22:46+0000